Start-Up Visa Program​
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Start-Up Visa Program is aimed at immigrant entrepreneurs. The program links start-ups with private Canadian angel investor groups or venture capital fund organizations.​

  1. Maximum of 2,750 applications per year are accepted
  2. Candidates do not have to invest their own money
  3. Must be a new business intended to operate in Canada
  4. Must receive support from a designated business organization such as business incubator
  5. No investment is required if accepted into a Canadian business incubator program otherwise:
    • A minimum investment of $200,000 if investment coming from one or more designated Canadian venture capital fund
    • A minimum investment of $75,000 if the investment comes from two or more designated Canadian angel investor group
  6. Minimum Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 5 in all four language competency areas for English or French
  7. Must have settlement Fund
  8. Must provide a letter of support from angel investor group, venture capital fund or business incubator

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